Opintojakson nimi Finnish for Foreigners 1
Opintojakson ajankohta 10.02.2021 - 31.12.2025
Korkeakoulu Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Opintojakson kieli Englanti
Opintopisteet 5 OP

Opintojakson ala Kielet ja kulttuurienvälinen viestintä
Tarjotaan avoimen opiskelijoille Ei
Taso AMK

Ilmoittautumiskäytäntöihin liittyvät kyselyt
Ilmoittautumisaika 10.02.2021 - 31.12.2024
Opintojakson toteutussuunnitelma

Finnish for Foreigners 1

10.02.2021 - 31.12.2025

Opintojakson kuvaus

On completion of the course the student will be able to introduce and tell someone about himself or herself or another person, ask simple questions and answer questions about familiar topics, use greetings and numbers, tell the time and tell location. The student’s communication skills correspond to the skill level A1.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Oral and written communication in simple everyday situations and daily routines: meeting people, eating and shopping. Key vocabulary. Basic grammatical structures, for example conjugating verbs in present tense, verb types, the partitive case and the six local cases. Finnish culture and customs.




To pass this course you have to do at least 80% of course.

Grading is pass/fail.

Opintojakson työskentelytavat ja aikataulutus

100% online (Self-Study) course.

Course environment is Metropolia’s Viope and course can be done in own pace.


  • Course is 100% online self-study course.
  • You can enroll this course whenever it’s suitable for you and start it at once you have enrolled it.
  • Course can be done in own pace.
  • Credits will be putted into our Student register as soon as student has done this course.