Course name Basic Theory of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management
Course date 01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Institution Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Business HUB
Teacher Timo Ryynänen
Available for open UAS No
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 20.05.2024 - 24.11.2024
Implementation plan
Course enrolment info

Basic Theory of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management

01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024

Course description

The aim is that after completing the study unit you will be able to:

  • define the concepts and areas of corporate safety, security and risk management and their significance for the organization
  • define the criteria for the security requirements and best practices of organizations and be able to apply them
  • define the criteria for the security requirements and best practices of organizations
  • utilize the principles of risk management and risk assessment and management methods in the development of safety.



Assessment criteria

The study unit follows point-based assessment. The course has five small tests and an online exam, all of which must be completed:

  • Module 1: test, max 10 points
  • Module 2: test, max 10 points
  • Module 3: test, max 10 points
  • Module 4: test, max 10 points
  • Module 5: test, max 10 points
  • Online exam: max 50 points
  • TOTAL 100 points.

You can try each test and online exam twice, (a better result is taken into account). A total of at least 50 points must be obtained from the tests and the online exam to pass the study unit.


  • 1: 50-59 points
  • 2: 60-69 points


  • 3: 70-79 points
  • 4: 80-89 points


  • 5: 90-100 points

Course way of working and time table

  • The study unit can be completed on your own schedule until December 2024. Registration is open until November, 31.
  • The learning platform is Canvas and all communication during the course takes place through it.

Course info

  • This study unit provides the same knowledge base as the theoretical part of the course Basics of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management.
  • The same implementation in Finnish is Turvallisuusjohtamisen ja riskienhallinnan perusteet. You cannot receive credits twice from same study unit.
  • Opintojakso on sisällöltään sama kuin Turvallisuusjohtamisen ja riskienhallinnan perusteet. Et voi saada opintopisteitä molemmista.

Course enrolment info

  • Enrol through your university’s student’s desktop (Pakki/Peppi)
  • If your university hasn’t yet joined the cross-study service, enrol with the separate enrolment form.
  • More information at page Cross-institutional student arriving at Laurea from another university
  • Questions relating to enrolment always at The teachers respond only to questions related to the content of the course.