Course name How’s it going? Keys to your sustainable well-being
Course date 21.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
Institution Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field 4everyone HUB
Teacher Jenna Kukkonen
Available for open UAS No
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 06.05.2024 - 13.10.2024
Implementation plan

How’s it going? Keys to your sustainable well-being

21.10.2024 - 15.12.2024

Course description


Learning outcomes of the course correspond to the goals of the Wellbeing through counselling project. The online course promotes student’s well-being and health, competence and attachment to community and studies in higher education. Through information, examples and exercises, this independent online course supports student’s mental capacity, enhances ability to retain competence and well-being through crises and stressful situations that come with life and studying.

After completing the online course the student: • is able to cope well with everyday tasks that maintain their competence • recognizes the effects of their personality traits to their competence, and is able to manage themselves • knows the main goals of sustainable development and is motivated to further develop their sustainable well-being and expertise • is able to cope with demands of studying and pressure of other demands, and knows how to handle stress • recognizes possible challenges that can be encountered during studies, and is motivated to seek support if needed.


1. Cornerstones of everyday life 1 cr 2. Mindfulness and emotional skills 1 cr 3. Sustainable development of own well-being 1 cr 4. Social resources 1 cr 5. Stress and recovery 1 cr 6. Support during studies 1 cr

The student chooses five out of six parts to complete according to their preference.

Assessment criteria

The tasks of all sub-areas have been completed within the deadline and in accordance with the tasks given.

Completion of the course in 6,5 weeks: all study tasks must be submitted by 3.12.2024 in Moodle. The assessment of performance is given to the student within four working weeks of the completion of the performance (Christmas holiday on week 52 and holidays in December and January are taken into account i.e. not included in four working weeks).

Approved / To be supplemented / Failed

Course way of working and time table

The digital operating environment is Moodle (the link will be announced later).

The duration of the course is 6,5 weeks (21.10.-3.12.2024).

The manuscript of the course is in Moodle. Study tasks and their submissions are in Moodle.

Language of instruction is English.