Course name Corporate Responsibility and Tourism
Course date 02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
Institution Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Hospitality Management HUB
Teacher Jaana Ruoho, Jonna Huuhka
Available for open UAS No
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 05.08.2024 - 23.11.2024
Implementation plan
Course enrolment info

Corporate Responsibility and Tourism

02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Course description


Corporate responsibility; responsible tourism practices; business ethics; leading sustainability transition; communication about sustainability.


Using concepts and frameworks of sustainability; linking social, environmental, and economic responsibility to business practices; identifying and applying responsible business practices in tourism business; leading the sustainability transitions within a team; communicating sustainability and applying the principles of using environmental claims in communication


Assessment criteria

Grading 1-5.

Course way of working and time table

This is a non-stop online course running from 2.9.2024 to 31.12.2024. You can study at your own pace without any scheduled lectures. The course includes six themes, and each theme includes prerecorded videos and written material for reading. The assignments consist of Moodle quizzes, written assignments, and taking images or creating videos to communicate about your assignments. The six themes open up in Moodle one by one after you successfully pass the previous one. The teacher will send an email to kickstart the course once a week.

Course additional info

Opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää SAMK-ID:n rekisteröintiä ja student.samk -sähköpostitilin käyttöä.

Jos olet ilmoittautunut opintojaksolle e-lomakkeen kautta, saat SAMK-ID:n rekisteröintiohjeet saat opiskelijapalvelusihteeriltä ilmoittautumislomakkeella ilmoittamaasi sähköpostiosoitteeseen sitten, kun ilmoittautumisesi on käsitelty.

Jos taas olet tehnyt ilmoittautumisesi RIPAn kautta, saat sähköpostiisi ohjeet SAMK-ID:n rekisteröintiin, kun opettaja on hyväksynyt ilmoittautumisesi.

Course enrolment info

RIPA will gradually replace the CampusOnline portal and enable smoother cross-institutional studies and data transfer between higher education institutions.

At the moment, some universities of applied sciences have already started taken advantage of RIPA. Schedule for the introduction of RIPA is specific to each UAS, for further information please visit your own university’s intranet or contact your study office. Currently during this transition phase, each course description in the CampusOnline portal states if students from certain universities of applied sciences already can enroll to the course in question through their own enrolment system. Before enrolment, please check the course information for the correct enrolment method. Read more:

– If your home education institution uses RIPA already, you see the course selection intended for you and you can register in the student administration system of your home institution (Peppi).

– If your home institution does NOT yet use the RIPA service, please register for this course via the e-form.

NOTE! PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR OUR COL-STUDY COURSES VIA BOTH PATHWAYS. If you are enrolled in both channels (RIPA and e-form), we will have to delete your enrolment completely.

All enrolments will be approved. Applications for this nonstop-course are processed in the next two weeks, but not processed during the Christmas break or July. When your enrolment has been processed, the Student Services Secretary will send you a message with instructions on how to activate the SAMK student identifier to the email address you provided in the application form.

You will get an automatic reply to the email address you provided in the electronic form. Check the spam.