Course name COSM 1: Cultural Organisation & Sustainability Management (Master's level)
Course date 01.10.2024 - 29.12.2024
Institution HUMAK University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Culture HUB
Teacher Marcin Poprawski
Available for open UAS Chargeable
Level Master’s level

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 07.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
Course enrolment info

COSM 1: Cultural Organisation & Sustainability Management (Master's level)

01.10.2024 - 29.12.2024

Course description

COSM 1 – Cultural Organisation & Sustainability Management is a Master’s level course that provides an international and cross-disciplinary perspective on the sustainability values oriented cultural management applied to cultural, creative, heritage and art organization of different size and type.

It is the introductory course and the actual conceptual frame of the whole COSM series of three courses (15 ECTS). This is the revised version of the course that went through the pilot stage of testing in Spring 2021 and was highly evaluated by all participants.


  • Sustainability, Culture and Arts Management – the panoramic view
  • Cultural Organisations and Sustainability Values, Symbols and Narrations: keywords and concepts
  • Sustainability Values’ oriented Organisational Cultures in workplaces focused on Arts, Cultural Heritage and Creative practice
  • Organisational practices of undoing the unsustainable and the role of the leader
  • The Macro-level of Sustainability and Cultural Management – balanced Cultural Policies.
  • Sustainable Cultural Ecosystems in practice
  • Sustainability, Aesthetic Values and Creative Processes

Amongst carefully selected and invited experts and guest lecturers who share their experience and knowledge through COSM 1 are inspiring individuals from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Singapore, France, the United Kingdom, and the USA. They represent experience of work in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Assessment criteria

1-5 Finnish grading scale; assignment formats: groupwork, readings & discussion sessions, short essay, individual application plan of the course content.

Course way of working and time table

As a blended learning process, the course comprises of

a) 4 sessions with international and Finnish guest lecturers, facilitated by the host lecturer of the course, Dr Marcin Poprawski;

b) access to the interactive Hoodle platform with the content to be studied by participants. The platform gives access to literature files, video materials, and digital sources.


  • 01.10.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Hybrid, Ilkantie in Helsinki and Zoom session option)
  • 08.10.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Online Zoom session)
  • 22.10.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Online Zoom session)
  • 05.11.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Hybrid, Ilkantie in Helsinki and Zoom session option)

Course additional info

Experiences and testimonials of participants of the first edition of COSM 1 (Spring 2021):

“I have been before in couple of sustainability development courses, but absolutely this gave me more knowledge of cultural and social aspects of sustainability. International experts of sustainability development from all over the world were a wonderful way to lead deep into sustainability subjects. The course gives a confident feeling of study with expertise and passion. The best in COSM 1 course were the inspirational speakers, their experience, and thoughts. There came up a pile of good books about sustainability and research materials to read. I got a lot of to think about the role of cultural work in sustainability. Tuula Hänninen

COSM course was one of the best I have participated. I learned and found some ways where and how I would like to develop my own possible career in the cultural sector. Course structure was efficient and comfortably inclusive. I really enjoyed it. I understood that my idea of sustainability might be in the heart of being a human and this course strengthened the concept about it. I know how to put what is learned into practice. Everyone, who intend to be in the managing position in the field of culture and art, should participate in this course. Sofia Palmio

The course provided a clear, in-depth, and demanding introduction to the sustainability theme. The subject was dealt extensively, that is, we went as far as the deepest waters. The speakers were well chosen and well prepared. There were interesting discussions. The assignments covered the academic part as well as one’s own creative work. I got a very clear picture of sustainability and its challenges not only in cultural production. I recommend prospective students to choose this course. Salla Raunio

This course was just what I hoped but did not expect. All my expectations were filled. The best of this course was all inspiring visitors. I felt so privilege to hear leading experts of sustainability development from over the world. The way the course was facilitated is very encouraging, polite, and inspirational. The courses support each other well and are connected. anon.

The lecture of Birgitta was the concrete that I needed! I had found the base to build on. I stopped to struggle, I turned back and grasped to my simple thoughts of what is sustainability. There it was, everything depends on how we treat and tolerate each other, how we listen, and do we hear at all? It is about our everyday life! How we live our lives and how willing we are to make the necessary changes? We as artists, managers, producers are in the key role in influencing the change inside of every individual. In my profession I can be the prime operator to change. By creating new stories to tell, new narratives, by developing new forms of interaction and new horizons to reach, I can direct all these individual minds towards a common goal and give the silent and forgotten voices a tone. Mayreth Wolff

I would like to point out that COSM 1 has indeed led me to seeing sustainable development in a different way, we should acknowledge sustainability is a concept of community-based thinking. Environmental, Social and Economic issues can be addressed and integrated in multiple ways and indeed we should keep this process open and exploratory. Lena Hüttl

COSM 1 biggest learning was to focus on good management and leadership that improves our wellbeing and functioning at work. Jiri Ahonen

I have been thinking a lot about a sustainability viewpoint in everyday life and especially in cultural productions while studying cultural management for three years now. Gladly for me we’ve got a new lecture and started this COSM. I got exited, because I would really like to be a wise producer when it comes to sustainable development. I do not want to produce anything which is unnecessarily heavy for the environment or to the organization I am working at. I appreciate the values, great work atmosphere and clear aims. And that is why I am glad I took this course; I learned a lot about the sustainability in organizations and in different kind of fields in cultural sector. I think that there were a lot of great material in the course contents! Sustainable leadership is something which I am going to carry on as a term on my future work paths. Tessa Ylinen

I really liked this course and webinars and all guest lecturers, speeches, interactions, and exercises. It was inspirational to hear guest lecturers’ examples and knowledge about these matters. Same was to see all the tandem videos. I really like watching them and wanted to give at least a comment for every tandem. All webinars and materials and answers to our questions were great. This course was full of knowledge, and I will use information with my future projects, with my own manager duties, I will put my efforts to do it with sustainability! Leena Vanhamäki

All in all, COSM taught me a lot of different sustainability valued aspects of thinking. Hopefully these thoughts will help me to be a better – and more sustainable cultural manager. Jussi Artiola

I think that this course was a great wholeness. There was a lot of (useful) information. I learned a lot and it was great to have such a versatile group of students. I think that there was a good number of assignments and the quality of those were suitable. Anon.”

Course enrolment info

NB! If you are a student at Centria, HAMK, Karelia, Lapland UAS, Laurea, SAMK, Savonia, SeAMK, TAMK, Turku UAS, VAMK or XAMK, please enrol via Peppi/Pakki. ”RIPA, a cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions, enables higher education students to complete studies at another higher education institution without enrolment through a separate portal. Each student sees the course selection intended for them and can register in the student administration system of their home institution (Peppi/Pakki).”Read more here.

See instructions for CampusOnline students in Humak’s Student’s Guide.

  • The enrolment forms are valid only during the registration period.
  • After you have filled out the form, you will get a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Please make sure that the email address is correct.
  • If you do not receive a message, check your email’s junk mail folder. If you did not receive the email, contact avoinamk@humak.fi.
  • Please enrol on time, since no new registrations are processed after the enrolment period ends.