Course name Customer Project
Course date 26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Institution Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Business HUB, Entrepreneurship HUB
Teacher Kalle Raijonkari
Available for open UAS Chargeable
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 01.08.2024 - 28.02.2025
Implementation plan
OPEN UAS Enrolment
Course enrolment info

Customer Project

26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Course description

You have learned many different skills and knowledge in your game production studies. These skills may include skills related to game programming, 2D&3D art, sfx or monetization. However, you may not have been able to combine these skills or you have not found situations where you could apply these skills. The answer is: Customer Project!

This project will take you through your first customer relationship and there you serve the customer to the best of your ability, utilizing your previously acquired skills. The goal is a satisfied customer!

Course competences: Business competence Cross-disciplinary competence in games Game production competence Software engineering competence Systems and methods in ICT

The learning objectives of the course: After the course you will be able to independently implement a customer-oriented project within your knowledge. In addition to customer service, you have acquired new technical or content production skills and are able to apply them in customer relationships. You understand the importance of communicating with and reporting with a client in a new and more in-depth way, and being able to organize and facilitate different types of events (eg workshops).

Content: Key issues include understanding the customer’s (and their customers’) needs, developing a solution, defining and producing project output, organizing own work and the entire customer project, and reporting on the outputs in a way that is meaningful to the project.


Although this course can take on new technical or content-related skills, you must still have a basic understanding of project management, game business, and the technologies you and your client select.

Assessment criteria

The student will search for the Customer Project through their networks and BIT stakeholders.

The Customer Project must be related to game industry core competences, but the content of the project is not limited to only game projects. For example if the students core skills are related to graphic design, a graphic design project for a marketing company can be accepted. Similarly if the students core skills are related to programming, a non-gaming related software project can be accepted. If the student is unsure if their project idea fits the course, they can contact the teacher in charge, who will guide with selecting suitable project content.

The Customer Project course is evaluated as Pass/Fail, the student will receive a passing mark when the project has been completed, the seminar has been held and all the necessary documentation has been delivered. There is a high emphasis on self-evaluation and reflection.


Course way of working and time table

In the Customer Project, the student will find project work from a client. Enrollment to the course is non-stop, and the project may be started at any point. Guidance for the Customer Project is given by the following methods:

– Customer Project info sessions online (Autumn/Spring) – Assignments (Project plan, project report) – Seminar presentation of Customer Project results

Nonstop implementation, independent of time or place.

Course info

Student chooses relevant sources of additional information, depending on the topic of the project. Instructions for planning and reporting are found in Moodle.

Course enrolment info

If your University of Applied Sciences is already using the Cross-Institutional Study Information Service (RIPA): Register for studies according to the instructions of your own university.

If your University of Applied Sciences is not yet using the Cross-Institutional Study Information Service (RIPA): Register via the “Enrol” link above. More information on Jamk’s Visiting student page.