Course name Destination Finland
Course date 04.03.2024 - 31.08.2024
Institution XAMK University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Hospitality Management HUB
Teacher Xamk lehtori
Available for open UAS For Free
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 06.11.2023 - 26.05.2024
Implementation plan
OPEN UAS Enrolment

Destination Finland

04.03.2024 - 31.08.2024

Course description

Objective: You are able to
  • use the central concepts of domestic and international tourism
  • understand text material related to tourism
  • search information about the pull factors, major tourist areas, destinations and ways of travelling in Finland
  • analyze Finnish nature and culture as a basis of experience tourism product development for international market
  • describe the structure of tourism business and traveler streams arriving to and leaving from Finland
  • work in an international team in English
Content: What are the key concepts of domestic and international tourism in English? Which elements of Finnish nature and culture could be used as basis of experience-based tourism products for the international market? What are the pull factors, major tourist areas, destinations, means of travelling and special features of tourism in Finland? What is the structure of tourism business and what are the traveler streams arriving to and leaving from Finland? How do you work in an international team?


Assessment criteria

Assessment grade: 1-5. Diffrent type of tests. To pass the tests 80% must be correct.

Course way of working and time table

The student can proceed from tasks to task independently, there are no certain deadlines. All tasks has to be made by the ending date of the course. All material will be provided by the lecturer and it is in Learn-platform. No live lectures or group work.

Course info

The first nonstop start is on 4th March 2024 and after that date students can start their studies approximately within a week after enrolling on this course. The estimated time for completing this course is three months. The last day to register is May 26, 2024.