Course name From Expert to Entrepreneur
Course date 09.08.2023 - 31.08.2024
Institution Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 1 ECTS credit

Field 4everyone HUB
Teacher Sanna Tahlo
Available for open UAS Chargeable
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024
Implementation plan
OPEN UAS Enrolment
Course enrolment info

From Expert to Entrepreneur

09.08.2023 - 31.08.2024

Course description

This short course provides you with some insights on how describing your knowledge, skills and competences. You will explore videos, articles, canvases, dialogue and and reflection as tools to get to the bottom of your own ways to build your future.

After completing the course you:

– will understand the key elements of identifying and describing your knowledge, skills and competences

– will know how to take your expertise into practice as entrepreneur or employee

– will know how to apply your possibilities in your future working life


  1. Identifying your competence
  2. Articulating your expertise
  3. Putting your know-how into practice


Course way of working and time table

Online and independently

Course enrolment info

  • Students are accepted for the course in order of enrollment.
  • When registering, you must use the email address of your home university of applied sciences.
  • TAMK’s own students register for TAMK’s study courses through study administration system Pakki.