Course name Office Skills Accelerator: PowerPoint Pro
Course date 16.01.2024 - 12.12.2024
Institution Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 1 ECTS credit

Field 4everyone HUB
Teacher Several teachers
Available for open UAS Chargeable
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 15.12.2023 - 04.11.2024
OPEN UAS Enrolment
Course enrolment info

Office Skills Accelerator: PowerPoint Pro

16.01.2024 - 12.12.2024

Course description

PowerPoint is a tool that is more versatile and useful than people generally know. Would you like to get the most out of it? Explore the course below, enroll, and stand out with your expertise.

In the Office Skills Accelerator: PowerPoint Pro online course, you will learn the use of PowerPoint in-depth. You will complete the course independently online using self-study materials and doing exercises. At the same time, you’ll receive personal support and feedback from the course instructors.

The course fits well to be taken alongside work or other studies: the segmented structure allows you to progress at your own pace.

Who it’s for:

  • Everyone who wants their presentations to shine
  • Those who truly want to be skilled and efficient in their work
  • Everyone standing at the threshold of new challenges and wanting to ensure their competence

Our Promise

Our training has received excellent feedback from previous participants. Our promise for the Office Skills Accelerator training:

  • Practical skills for everyday life – not just theory, but proven skills
  • Confidence that shows in every click – with expertise, uncertainty becomes history
  • At your own pace: Your life doesn’t have to stop – our flexible course modules fit even a busy schedule
  • Diversity in focus: Practical examples, clear videos, and text sections – learning is lively, tangible, and engaging
  • Deeper and further: No skimming the surface – you’ll dive deep into the software
  • Support: Quick help – Knowledgeable and encouraging feedback


During the training, you have access to a high-quality online learning environment. However, if you encounter problems, our course staff is here to support you:

  • Online calls: You can schedule a Teams call for personalized instruction and support
  • Email support: You can send us questions via email
  • Discussion board: Seek advice from our forum


The content is designed by Päivi Pylväläinen, one of Finland’s leading Office trainers, with over 35 years of experience teaching Office software. She has handpicked the software’s essential and job-relevant features for this course. Learning is supported by clear and comprehensive guidelines, images, and videos created by pedagogical professionals.

Prerequisites: User interfaces and basic functions

Presentation basics: Structure of slideshows; text slides; images in slides; adding, editing, and importing tables from Excel; adding, editing, and importing charts from Excel; various printing options

PowerPoint and the keys to a good presentation: Requirements of a good presentation; SmartArt graphics and visual SmartArts; adding a video or YouTube video to a presentation; splitting a presentation into sections; performance and presentation tools

Bringing a PowerPoint presentation to life: Unifying the appearance and editing a unified appearance; freehand drawing and drawing with shapes; screen clip and screen video; importing slides from another presentation; transitions and animations; creating a screen recording; adding subtitles to videos; creating video presentations; saving options

Assessment criteria

Pass / Failed

Course way of working and time table

Online course

The course is offered six times during year 2024:

  • 16.1. – 29.2.2024
  • 19.3. – 24.4.2024
  • 21.5. – 27.6.2024
  • 9.7. – 22.8.2024 (registration closes 13.6.)
  • 3.9. – 10.10.2024
  • 5.11. – 12.12.2024

When registering, please select the date you would like to take the course.

Course enrolment info

Use the Email Address of your University of Applied Sciences in your Registration Information.