Course name Power Platform App Maker PL-100
Course date 29.04.2024 - 31.12.2025
Institution Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 3 ECTS credit

Field Technology HUB
Available for open UAS No
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 29.04.2024 - 31.12.2024
Course enrolment info

Power Platform App Maker PL-100

29.04.2024 - 31.12.2025

Course description

During the Power Platform App Maker course the student will learn how to build applications with low-code techniques to simplify, automate, and transform business tasks and processes using Microsoft Power Platform. This course can also be used to prepare for the PL-100 certification.


  • Getting started with Dataverse
  • Creating application with Power Apps
  • How to automate business processes using Power Automate
  • Power Platform advanced techniques
  • Power Platform security best practices
  • UI and controls in canvas app
  • How to create and use analytics reports with Power BI
  • How to use AI Builder and improve business performance



Assessment criteria


Can be find via course space.

Course way of working and time table

  • Course is 100% online (Self-Study) course.
  • Course can be done in own space.
  • You can start this course as soon as you have filled in our eform
  • Course environment is Metropolia’s Viope System

Course additional info

Ristiinopiskelupalveluun liittyneiden korkeakoulujen opiskelijat voivat ilmoittautua tälle opintojaksolle kotikorkeakoulunsa Pepissä/Pakissa.

Course enrolment info

Ristiinopiskelupalveluun liittyneiden korkeakoulujen opiskelijat voivat ilmoittautua tälle opintojaksolle kotikorkeakoulunsa Pepissä/Pakissa.