Course name The Basic Digital Skills of Working Life
Course date 01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Institution Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Course language Finnish
Credits 3 ECTS credit

Field 4everyone HUB
Teacher Jyrki Innanen
Available for open UAS No
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 20.05.2024 - 24.11.2024
Implementation plan
Course enrolment info

The Basic Digital Skills of Working Life

01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024

Course description

Upon completing this course, you will be able to

  • utilise and use the most common appropriate digital tools of the working life
  • communicate appropriately and in a goal-oriented way in the communication and social situations required by the working life
  • evaluate information critically and can descibe the basic principles of information security and privacy

The course consists of five modules: Information Technology, Communication, Information Retrieval, Image and Video, and Security. The course includes online materials, exercises, and assignments.


We recommend that you complete the Digital Skills Test for Working Life before registering:

Based on the test, you will receive a result that will help you assess the suitability of the course for yourself.

Assessment criteria

Course is evaluated in a scale of approved/failed.

Course way of working and time table

You have the opportunity to complete the study at your own pace between 01.06.2024 and 31.12.2024.

The course has a recommended schedule, but deviating from it does not affect the course evaluation, as long as the course is completed by its last day (31.12.2024).

All assignments of the study must be completed and a credits request must be requested with a separate assignment by the end of the study. The performance mark is entered into Laurea’s register about two weeks after submitting the performance mark request task.

During the summer holiday in July and during the New Year holidays, no evaluations are recorded. Performances completed by the end of the semester are recorded for the past semester, performances completed by 31.12. for the autumn semester and performances completed by 31.7. for the spring semester.


Course info

Completion of the course requires that the participant has a computer and internet connection available.

Course additional info

This course as available also in Finnish “Työelämän digitaitojen perusteet“. You cannot get credits from both implementations.

Opintojakson sisältö on sama kuin suomeksi “Työelämän digitaitojen perusteet”. Jos olet jo suorittanut kyseisen opintojakson, et voi saada uutta suoritusmerkintää ja opintopisteitä saman opintojakson englanninkielisestä toteutuksesta.

Course enrolment info

  • Enrol through your university’s student’s desktop (Pakki/Peppi)
  • If your university hasn’t yet joined the cross-study service, enrol with the separate enrolment form.
  • More information at page Cross-institutional student arriving at Laurea from another university
  • Questions relating to enrolment always at The teachers respond only to questions related to the content of the course.