Course name The basics of financial aspects in leadership
Course date 22.01.2024 - 31.08.2024
Institution XAMK University of Applied Sciences
Course language English
Credits 5 ECTS credit

Field Business HUB
Teacher Xamk lehtori
Available for open UAS For Free
Level Bachelor

Queries related to enrolment practices
Enrolment period 06.11.2023 - 26.05.2024
Implementation plan
OPEN UAS Enrolment

The basics of financial aspects in leadership

22.01.2024 - 31.08.2024

Course description


You are able to take into account the financial goals of a service enterprise and act accordingly from the leadership point of view. You are able to interpret financial information. You are able to utilize financial information in management decision making. You are able to apply the most common price setting methods.

Content: How can the profitability of a service enterprise be affected? How does the price setting affect the profitability of an enterprise? What do financial statements indicate about the financial situation of a service enterprise? What kind of key ratios and indicators can be used in analyzing the economic situation of a service enterprise? What kind of calculations can be used in decision making?


Assessment criteria

THE EVALUATION DEPENDS ON: Quizzes and exam (100 percent), max 120 points. The assessment is based on the total points collected by the student from the quizzes and exams. Ten topics; eight quizzes and two exams. Grades: 1-5 120 – 108 points = 5 107 – 96 points = 4 95 – 84 points = 3 83 – 72 points = 2 71 – 59 points = 1 58 – 00 points = Failed

More information on learn pages. Check details and timetables for exams and quizzes.

Self-study-based course with 2 exams and quizzes. Instructions and tasks on XAMK’s Learn platform.

Course way of working and time table

Course and exam book: Bettner Mark S: Using Accounting and Financial Information, 2014. (The book is mandatory and available as an e-book from the XAMK’s Kaakkuri Library.) (Extrabook (this book is not mandatory): Elliott, B. and Elliott, J. (2019) Financial Accounting and Reporting (19th edn), Harlow, Essex, Pearson Education Limited. Texts/articles picked up by teacher. The study material can be found on the Learn website of the course. The studies are based on material there or linked therein. All the teaching to be given has been recorded and can also be found on the Learn website of the course.

Course info

he first start is on 22 January 2024. After that students can start their studies approximately within a week after enrolling on this course. The estimated time for completing this course is three months. The last day of registration is May 26, 2024