Opintojakson nimi Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career – Yrittäjyys osana uraa (Master’s level)
Opintojakson ajankohta 01.05.2024 - 31.12.2024
Korkeakoulu Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
Opintojakson kieli Englanti
Opintopisteet 5 OP

Opintojakson ala Kaikille aloille soveltuva, Yrittäjyys
Opettaja Antti Sekki
Tarjotaan avoimen opiskelijoille Ei

Ilmoittautumiskäytäntöihin liittyvät kyselyt
Ilmoittautumisaika 01.04.2024 - 06.10.2024
Opintojakson toteutussuunnitelma

Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career – Yrittäjyys osana uraa (Master’s level)

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2024

Opintojakson kuvaus

The student is able to:

  • analyze the key forces of change in the working life and describe their entrepreneurial nature
  • categorize and identify the most suitable business platforms for the own expertise
  • classify personal entrepreneurial qualities and be able to compare them with the skills needed in the future working life
  • create a working time tracking, and understand its importance as part of pricing and self-management
  • analyze the basic elements of successful sales work


Future working life (1 cr) Aim of the module: The student understands the main forces of change in working life and especially its entrepreneurial nature. The student perceives the diversity of entrepreneurship and gets a good understanding of different forms of entrepreneurship and their challenges.

Platform Economy (1 cr) Aim of the module: The student gets a comprehensive understanding of the different forms of platform economics and their possibilities from the perspective of earning additional income. After the course, students are able to choose the most suitable platforms for their own competence.

Identification of one’s own competence (1 cr) Aim of the module: The module challenges students to reflect on and identify their own skills and to compare them with the skills needs needed in future working life. After this reflection, the student gets a clear picture of what competencies should be developed on a personal level in order to enable the desired career path.

Freenlace Entrepreneur Accounting (1 cr) Aim of the module: The student understands the basics of accounting and cash management. Based on this competence, students understand the importance of personal hourly accounting as part of the pricing of their own competence or product. The purpose of the module is to provide practical instructions for calculating the price of a student’s own company (service / product).

Commercialization of one’s own competence (1 cr) Aim of the module: The student understands the basics of sales work, understands the importance of sales work in terms of being an entrepreneur and learns to perceive one’s own abilities in a possible sales or customer service situation.


This is a Master’s level course and only for Master’s level students.

Bachelor’s level courses:

Yrittäjyys osana uraa, kevät 2024 (suomeksi, in Finnish)

Yrittäjyys osana uraa, kesä 2024 (suomeksi, in Finnish)

Entrepreneurship as a part of career (in English)



  • Each module is evaluated individually, see the assessment table on the Canvas platform in the ”course introduction section”.
  • The final mark of the course is the average of the module grades.
  • The student can complete 1-5 credits

Opintojakson työskentelytavat ja aikataulutus

Online course, continuous implementation on Canvas platform.

Opintojakson lisätiedot

  • Enrol for the course primarily through your own Peppi/Pakki/student desktop.
  • If your home UAS is not yet part of the cross-study system Ripa, you can register using the enrolment form that opens from the button at the top of the page.
  • You can find more information about enrolment on the page Cross institutional student arriving at Laurea from another university
  • If you have questions about enrolment, contact us at
  • Please note that the teacher will only answer questions about the content of the course.


** NOTE: The implementation may also be found on its Finnish name: Yrittäjyys osana uraa. Make sure the language of instruction is English when enrolling!

If you are studying at Centria, HAMK, Humak, Karelia, Lapland UAS, TAMK, Turku AMK, VAMK or XAMK

  • enrol through your university’s student’s desktop (Pakki/Peppi)
  • you can see the enrolment status on your PSP

Student from another UAS (if using Peppi/Pakki for cross-study enrolment is not possible)

  • Select your home UAS from the list. If it is not there, you cannot register using the form.
  • Write your personal identity number in the correct format on the form. An incompletely reported ID may prevent you from accessing the course.
  • Fill in the email address of your home university on the enrolment form – entering a different email address does not entitle you to a study place. Make sure your address is spelled correctly.
  • Make a note for yourself of which course you have enrolled for.
  • Enrolment is binding. If you must cancel your enrolment, make room for another student by sending email to