Opintojakson nimi Advanced Green Technologies
Opintojakson ajankohta 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Korkeakoulu LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu
Opintojakson kieli Englanti
Opintopisteet 9 OP

Opintojakson ala Tekniikan ja liikenteenala
Opettaja Saku Syngelmä
Tarjotaan avoimen opiskelijoille Maksullinen
Taso AMK

Ilmoittautumiskäytäntöihin liittyvät kyselyt
Ilmoittautumisaika 01.08.2024 - 16.06.2025
Opintojakson toteutussuunnitelma
AVOIN AMK ilmoittautuminen

Advanced Green Technologies

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Opintojakson kuvaus


This course is divided into 3 major sections:

  • Best Available Techniques (EU)
  • Finnish Practises
  • Company Cases

Each of these will have its own theory sections, and then an exam at the end. Completing all three segments will grant students 9 study credits for completing the full course package.

Read more about the course via an implementation plan.



Opintojakson työskentelytavat ja aikataulutus

Time- and location-independent online implementation. Students get to freely go through the material while the course is available.

To pass the course, students must complete all 3 course sections and the exams.


Students of the other UAS (Degree students and Open Studies’ path students)  enroll via Ilmoittaudu/Enroll -link. Please, write your student email to the enrollment form. You will receive starting instructions immediately after registering and you can start to complete the course.

Others register via the Open enrollment/ Avoin AMK ilmoittautuminen link. See the registration link for further instructions. A price is 135 €.