Opintojakson nimi The ABC of Entrepreneurial Finance
Opintojakson ajankohta 09.08.2023 - 31.08.2024
Korkeakoulu Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Opintojakson kieli Englanti
Opintopisteet 1 OP

Opintojakson ala Kaikille aloille soveltuva
Opettaja Sanna Tahlo
Tarjotaan avoimen opiskelijoille Maksullinen
Taso AMK

Ilmoittautumiskäytäntöihin liittyvät kyselyt
Ilmoittautumisaika 01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024
Opintojakson toteutussuunnitelma
AVOIN AMK ilmoittautuminen

The ABC of Entrepreneurial Finance

09.08.2023 - 31.08.2024

Opintojakson kuvaus

The ABC of Entrepreneurial Finance course consists of three different sections and feedback.

  1. Choosing company form
  2. Calculations
  3. Taxation & YEL, Choosing & cooperating with accountant + Feedback

After the course, you:

  • You will have a basic understanding of your company’s finances
  • You will master the basic indicators of economics
  • You are able to build sustainable business
  • You can make decisions based on economical indicators


hyväksytty/hylätty (pass/fail)

Approved when you have demonstrated successful work towards the learning outcomes: you understand the basics of entrepreneurial finance. You can assess your take your understanding of entrepreneurial finance into practise. You have completed the learning assignments in Moodle.

Failed if you have not succeeded in understanding basics of the entrepreneurial finance. You have not mastered the learning outcomes in a way that you could take your understanding of entrepreneurial finance into practise. You have not completed the learning assignments in Moodle.

Opintojakson työskentelytavat ja aikataulutus

Self-studies online, independently


  • Students are accepted for the course in order of enrollment.
  • When registering, you must use the email address of your home university of applied sciences.
  • TAMK’s own students register for TAMK’s study courses through study administration system Pakki.