Opintojakson nimi Unity Game Development
Opintojakson ajankohta 23.12.2021 - 31.12.2025
Korkeakoulu Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Opintojakson kieli Englanti
Opintopisteet 5 OP

Opintojakson ala Kaikille aloille soveltuva, Tekniikan ja liikenteenala
Tarjotaan avoimen opiskelijoille Ei
Taso AMK

Ilmoittautumiskäytäntöihin liittyvät kyselyt
Ilmoittautumisaika 23.12.2021 - 31.12.2024
Opintojakson toteutussuunnitelma

Unity Game Development

23.12.2021 - 31.12.2025

Opintojakson kuvaus

This course will introduce you to the basic usage of the Unity game engine. Game development requires multiple different skills, while game engines can also be used for many purposes. For example, level designers may use Unity for creating stages for the game, games artists import art and 3D models they’ve created into Unity, and programmers write scripts to make the games created with Unity to work in the intended way. You don’t necessarily need to study to become an expert in each of these fields, and can instead specialize in a specific set (or sets) of skills.
  1.  The basics of Unity
  2. Unity as a level editor
  3. Components and physics
  4. Basics of Programming
  5. Scripts – Player controls
  6. Scripts – Racing game




Grading is pass after Student has done at least 80% of course.

Opintojakson työskentelytavat ja aikataulutus

Course is 100% online (Self-Study) course which can be done in own pace.


  • Course is 100% online self-study course.
  • You can enroll this course whenever it’s suitable for you and start it at once you have enrolled it.
  • Course can be done in own pace.
  • Credits will be putted into our Student register as soon as student has done this course.