Arbetsformer och schemaläggning
The online activities in the study unit include:
- Video greetings: Each module starts with a brief greeting that introduces the themes of the module and explains how you will benefit from completing it.
- Exercises: The modules include various exercises designed to stimulate thinking about the theme and to help you learn in a variety of ways. This group includes various gamified tasks (such as memory games and quizzes) and bodily exercises (such as monitoring bodily sensations).
- Examples: Most modules include images and associated stories to illustrate the theme of the module in a practical way.
- Podcasts: Each module includes a few podcasts, which contain the information content of the module. The podcasts provide concise information and practical examples related to the theme of the module. The podcasts are always accompanied by a quick summary of their main content.
- Multiple-choice tests: In each module, the podcasts are followed by a test related to their content that enables you to assess your learning.
- Learning assignments: Each module has one or more learning assignments designed to make you think about the themes of the module in relation to you. In some of the learning assignments, you will be asked to make entries in your learning diary, and to share some ideas about what you have learned in the course forum at the end of the module. In some of the learning assignments, you will submit your reflections as a file, or answer a few questions.
- Discussions: You will complete most of the learning assignments by adding entries to your learning diary. However, the modules are followed by discussions, and you are expected to share some thoughts about the assignments in the course forum.
This study unit is meant for bachelor degree students. Also master degree students can join the study unit to learn about the tools, but it is not suitable for the master studies.
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