Kursnamn English for ICT students
Kursdatum 16.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Yrkeshögskolan Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 5 SP

Bransch Teknologi HUB
Lärare Virve Prami
För öppna YH studenter Nej
Nivå YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 16.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

English for ICT students

16.01.2024 - 31.12.2025


Skills objectives

  1. Developing technical vocabulary: Students will learn the technical vocabulary required to communicate effectively in the field of Information Technology.
  2. Understanding technical documentation: Students will be able to read and understand technical documentation such as manuals, guides, and specifications.
  3. Writing technical documentation: Students will be able to write technical documentation such as manuals, guides, and specifications.
  4. Presenting technical information: Students will be able to present technical information in a clear and concise manner.
  5. Communicating with colleagues: Students will be able to communicate effectively with colleagues in the field of Information Technology.

Course content

  • Product Management: Identify Problem
  • Network Engineer: Interpret & Implement Instructions
  • Software Engineer: Analyze Factual Information
  • Customer Support: Examine Key Information
  • Security Engineer: Incorporate Goals and Objectives
  • Security Engineer: Participate in Discussion
  • Network Engineer: Analyze and Prioritize
  • Customer Support: Request Feedback
  • Software Engineer: Evaluate
  • Software Engineer: Identify issues and concern
  • Network Engineer: Defend a Point of View
  • Product Management: Update Colleagues




Course has two part and both part’s includes six (6) Module’s with quiz’s and Final Exam.

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

Course is 100% online (Self-Study) course which can be done in own space.


  • You can enrol this course whenever it’s suitable for you 24/7
  • You can start your studies as soon as you have filled in our eform
  • Course can be done in own space
  • Course don’t have course quota
  • Ristiinopiskelupalveluun liittyneiden korkeakoulujen opiskelijat voivat ilmoittautua tälle opintojaksolle kotikorkeakoulunsa Pepissä/Pakissa