Kursnamn Contextual Decision Making
Kursdatum 26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
Yrkeshögskolan Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 5 SP

Bransch Business HUB
Lärare William Simcoe
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Anmälningstid 10.06.2024 - 21.08.2024

Contextual Decision Making

26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024


Upon course completion, the student will know how to assess situations; better understand how to apply marketing tools to organize & analyze key information; can better define opportunities & problems; identify & evaluate alternative courses of action; evaluate past deployed strategies and develop new ones; understand the decision making process; s/he will understand the psychology of today’s advertising and the problems for society associated therein; will know more about international corporate behaviour – the different companies’ marketing, management, and ethical behaviors, etc.; the student will have better knowledge of how to analyze business cases and situations – will better understand the usefulness of Marketing Research in certain situations; and understand on an even higher level than before, how all aspects of business are important in formulating strategic plans – and especially in implementing them. Upon course completion, the student will have problem solving skills; be able to write up a competent “white paper” or case study; will have a more active marketing terminology lexicon (learned in previous Marketing courses); will be more practiced in presentations, search-and-find online research; will have worked in teams and so created consolidation and further development of existing disciplinary knowledge through application in a real life situation. This course exams closely cases of Marketing, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Corporate Strategy and other courses in a business curriculum; it shows a connection to the Marketing Process through its situational analyses of cases and other examples of business behaviour; it allows more application of the terminology learned in other courses; it also shows situational analysis decision-making process connection to Marketing Research; it provides further example (through the cases et al) for courses on Ethics, Management, Organizational Behaviour, and so on; it further develops skills learned in writing and Business Communication , and IT courses (through writing, teamwork and presentation). Related competencies of the degree programme There is a micro-, mezzo-, and macro-approach to each course, so the interrelationships with the rest of the business curriculum, the field itself, as well as the community, are quite explicit, and therefore most competencies and knowledge elements listed in the “Competencies of the Degree Programme” section are at least addressed if not stressed. The course on a micro-level covers specific theories, terms and tools within the “Marketing System” and/or within that subject’s particular area of study (whether Basic Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Strategy, etc. – all have specific bases of orientations, models, theories and processes); on a mezzo-level it handles its connection to other courses of the curriculum and often offers cross-boundary projects; and on a macro-level the programme handles larger issues such as ethical considerations, life-long learning, cross-cultural and cross-functional perspectives, long term sustainability, community development, and so on). As a result, specific, as well as deeper and broad-based methods, applications and experiences are covered, while the different competencies (whether developmental, social, communicative, etc.) are nurtured.




0 – 5

See course syllabus and flow chart (Gantt Chart) provided at the beginning of the program.

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

Assignments focus on international organizations

See course syllabus and flow chart (Gantt Chart) provided at the beginning of the program.

This course provides the different contexts via the scenarios and case studies while the theoretical perspective focuses on the formal Decision-Making Process (DMP) and its matrix of long-term, short-term, Macro-, Mezzo-, and Micro-Analysis implications.

The interrelationships of the business curriculum are reviewed – i.e. Marketing, Research, Strategic and International Management, International Strategies, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Sustainability, and so on – with the two critical components to success applied (The DMP and Communication).