Kursnamn COSM 2: Cultural Entrepreneurship & Sustainability Management (Master’s level)
Kursdatum 07.11.2024 - 31.12.2024
Yrkeshögskolan Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 5 SP

Bransch Kultur HUB
Lärare Marcin Poprawski
För öppna YH studenter Avgiftsbelagd
Nivå Högre YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 07.08.2024 - 22.08.2024

COSM 2: Cultural Entrepreneurship & Sustainability Management (Master’s level)

07.11.2024 - 31.12.2024


COSM 2 “Cultural Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Management is a 5 ECTS course that provides an international and cross-disciplinary perspective on sustainability values and practical dimensions of cultural managers’ work. There are three central domains of cultural producers’ activities discussed in the course: festivals, and local communities-oriented productions and other independent entrepreneurial initiatives in rural and urban environments.

This course can be selected as a separate unit or as a second part of the whole COSM series of three courses (15 ECTS). This is the revised version of the course that went through the pilot stage of testing in Spring 2021 and was highly evaluated by all participants.


  • Cultural Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Values
  • Sustainability and the nature of Cultural Projects and Creative Processes
  • Festivals and Sustainability
  • Cultural NGOs as Sustainability actors
  • Creative Partnerships for Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability

Amongst carefully selected and invited experts and guest lecturers who share their experience and knowledge through COSM 2 are inspiring individuals from Finland, Poland, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Philippines. They represent experience of work in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Caribbean.


1-5 Finnish grading scale; assignment formats: groupwork, readings & discussion sessions, short essay, individual application plan of the course content;

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

As a blended learning process, the course comprises of

a) 4 sessions with international and Finnish guest lecturers, facilitated by the host lecturer of the course, Dr Marcin Poprawski;

b) access to the interactive Hoodle platform with the content to be studied by participants. The platform gives access to literature files, video materials, and digital sources.


  • 07.11.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Hybrid, Ilkantie in Helsinki and Zoom session option)
  • 19.11.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Online Zoom session)
  • 03.12.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Online Zoom session)
  • 17.12.2024 13.00-17.00 EET (Hybrid, Ilkantie in Helsinki and Zoom session option)

Mer information

Experiences and testimonials of participants of the first edition of COSM 2 (Spring 2021):

This course gave me a deeper understanding of the different aspects of sustainability, especially in the NGO sector. It is a source of endless information. We had very inspiring guest lecturers. Group work was great platform for discussions. My knowledge and awareness of this wide topic increased significantly. Pia Repo

During COSM 2 I was often able to reflect on my own experience in my small hometown in Germany and how the theater I am part of succeeds in transmitting cultural sustainability. It helped me in valuing more what we are doing as a cultural organization in my hometown, and I feel that it will also help other members of the organization in recognizing the importance of their voluntary work. The associations I had with my own experience during course sessions while discussing the pre-reading papers, lead me to see the voluntary work I do for our theater in a new light. I knew that the community values what we do, but I never thought of acknowledging that we are fostering actually cultural sustainability in our small-town community. Sustainability is not only about carbon emissions and green energy, but also about local cultural identity, local cultural practices and intergenerational transmission of cultural values and believes. Intergenerational learning is something beautiful and I wish for everyone to experience it. Transferring knowledge and cultural practices in this way has enriched my life. Through COSM 2 I came to realize, that it is actually a great example of cultural sustainability. Lena Hüttl

The teamwork model developed is fantastic. It made it possible to internalize and learn a completely insane amount of information in such a short time. Drilling alone would have taken all the power, and learning would not have been so effective. This method of giving space to learning is the best example of the principles of sustainable development in teaching. In this course. I have understood perhaps more than ever the principles of sustainability. The teamwork has been fruitful, and I think I have already been able to implement the tools of sustainability in my own work. The course brings out the best in each of us. Mayreth Wolff

I enjoyed the structure of the course, especially working in the group. Teammates of our group helped me with my questions. I learned much of myself, my studying habits, and get a clearer vision of my future practices. Cultural sustainability shows itself to me as a very broad and appropriate subject to study and implement in the field. Well, I have developed and learned how to express myself and my thoughts of this subject and how it could be related in entrepreneurship in the field of Creative and Cultural Industry with so many levels and approaches. I graded this course 5/5 for myself relying on my learning process and thoughts shared to other students. No more marketing speeches 🙂 but humanistic approaches in more multidimensional perspective. COSM 2 entrepreneurial sustainability education in a wider perspective than “please, recycle your plastics” is necessary. Sofia Palmio

This course gave many good tools and inspiration to my work. COSM should be obligatory to all. Tuula Hänninen

The assignments were interesting and different from the COSM 1 course: reading, reading conversations, chewing things up. On the other hand, a lot of examples of special and working projects. All in all, the COSM courses have been extremely important, the most essential things have come up in these courses because the world is viewed so holistically! This course should be compulsory!!!  The COSM 2 course, both the speakers and the texts, offered us many examples, or rather success stories of local, small scale action and events that had recreated local valuation of common place and community through art.  Cultural producers should more often have the courage to go local. If cultural producers want to act in the frontline of sustainable development, we need to have a clear vision of our role and the future we create. Therefore, all our actions should be guided by questions like ‘who we are’, ‘what the world is like’, ‘what it is to be a human’, and ‘what is good and bad’. In the end, it is about knowledge and self-understanding. As we are meaning-makers in the true sense of the word, we should not feel insecure and prepare for probable futures, but anchor according to what is desirable and sustainable. Salla Raunio


NB! If you are a student at Centria, HAMK, Karelia, Lapland UAS, Laurea, SAMK, Savonia, SeAMK, TAMK, Turku UAS, VAMK or XAMK, please enrol via Peppi/Pakki. ”RIPA, a cross-institutional study service for higher education institutions, enables higher education students to complete studies at another higher education institution without enrolment through a separate portal. Each student sees the course selection intended for them and can register in the student administration system of their home institution (Peppi/Pakki).”Read more here.

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