Kursnamn Functional facility design
Kursdatum 15.01.2024 - 22.12.2024
Yrkeshögskolan Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 5 SP

Bransch HUBBEN för alla
Lärare Leila Kakko
För öppna YH studenter Avgiftsbelagd
Nivå YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 04.06.2024 - 01.11.2024
ÖPPNA YH anmälning

Functional facility design

15.01.2024 - 22.12.2024


Students are able

  • to evaluate different kind of functional facility designs
  • to choose suitable surface materials for different kind of facilities
  • to choose the right maintenance for surface materials
  • to evaluate cleaning contracts


satisfactory (1-2) There are some holes in the assignments and satisfactory treatment of the subject with no own opinions and only few sources and fails in the use of them. Presentations done.

good (3-4) The assignments has been done well and there was good treatment of the subject, good sources and some mistakes in the use of them. Only a few own opinions. Good presentations.

excellent (5) The assignments has been done excellently with clear and full treatment of the subject. Excellent sources and handling of them lots of own opinions. Excellent presentations.

fail Assignments not fulfilled.

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

  • 100% net learning.
  • Virtual course in TUNI Moodle learning environment:
  • No exam

Tehtävät voi palauttaa myös suomeksi.


  • In most Finnish universities of applied sciences (UASs) , you can enrol for this course directly from your home university’s Peppi system, by searching for cross-study courses offered by Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu).
  • Don’t enroll for the same course twice!
  • Students are admitted to the course in order of enrollment.
  • TAMK’s own degree students enroll for this course in TAMK’s Pakki system.
  • The e-mail address of your own UAS must be used for enrollment.

There is a break in the processing of enrollments during July due to summer holidays.