Kursnamn Integrated Project Management
Kursdatum 26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Yrkeshögskolan Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 5 SP

Bransch Business HUB
Lärare William Simcoe
För öppna YH studenter Nej
Nivå YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 10.06.2024 - 21.08.2024

Integrated Project Management

26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


Core content learning outcomes (knowledge and understanding) Upon course completion, the student will acquire skills to achieve International Project Management Association (IPMA) first level accreditation – certification; will know how to gain project approval; will have of a cross-disciplinary perspective (i.e., become familiar with and develop perspective and appreciation of reciprocal specialists’ needs, requirements and professional ’culture’), as well as cross-cultural awareness, and will know how all aspects of business are important in formulating strategic plans and especially in implementing them – ethical codes of conduct are also discussed.Core content learning outcomes (skills) Upon course completion, the student will understand the “rules of the road” of real projects and have increased ability to carry out a project, from project approval and planning to control and implementation; will have had consolidation and further development of existing disciplinary knowledge; will be more effective in communicating in projects and business.

Related competencies of the degree programme (Business degree perspective) This covers competencies from all aspects — from marketing and finance to strategic management, business communication, and IT competencies, etc. and provides the perspective of the other, engineering, students – thereby developing a interdisciplinary perspective.




0 – 5

To be provided in the syllabus on first day.

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

There will be virtual lectures (recorded). A syllabus and flow chart will be provided on the first day.


A syllabus and flow chart will be provided on the first day.