Kursnamn Introduction to Cybersecurity
Kursdatum 29.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Yrkeshögskolan Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 2 SP

Bransch Teknologi HUB
Lärare Virve Prami
För öppna YH studenter Nej
Nivå YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 29.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

Introduction to Cybersecurity

29.01.2024 - 31.12.2025


The Introduction to Cybersecurity course explores cyber trends, threats and staying safe in cyberspace, and protecting personal and company data. This is the first course in the Cisco Junior Cybersecurity Analyst Career Path.

The Junior Cybersecurity Analyst Career Path prepares for the entry-level Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Cybersecurity certification and entry-level cybersecurity positions such as Cybersecurity Technician, Cybersecurity Analyst, or Tier 1 Help Desk Support roles. You will learn vital skills like threat intelligence, network security, and risk management to protect yourself and organizations from cyber attacks.

1. The Need for Cybersecurity

  • Learn the need for and importance of cybersecurity
  • Understand the characteristics and value of personal data, and data within an organization

2. Attacks, Concepts and Techniques

  • Recognize the characteristics and operation of a cyber attack
  • Interpret the trends in the cyber threat landscape

3. Protecting Your Data and Privacy

  • Understand how to protect devices from threats
  • Master how to safeguard your privacy

4. Protecting the Organization

  • Learn techniques to protect organizations from cyber attacks
  • Recognize the behavior-based approach to cybersecurity
  • Explain Cisco’s approach to cybersecurity

5. Will Your Future Be in Cybersecurity?

  • Understand legal and ethical issues in cybersecurity

6. Explore the opportunities for pursuing an education and a career in cybersecurity.




Complete a final exam (answer correctly min. 70% of the given questions). Evaluation: Approved / Fail

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

Course is 100% online (Self-Study) course and it can be done in your own pace.


The course, course exercises and tests are in the Metropolia Moodle web environment.


  • You can enrol to this course whenever it’s suitable 24/7
  • You can start this course as soon as you have filled in our enrolment
  • All of Students will be accept into this course
  • Ristiinopiskelupalveluun liittyneiden korkeakoulujen opiskelijat voivat ilmoittautua tälle opintojaksolle kotikorkeakoulunsa Pepissä/Pakissa