Kursnamn Tools for Self-management
Kursdatum 01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Yrkeshögskolan Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
Kursens språk Engelska
Studiepoäng 2 SP

Bransch HUBBEN för alla
Lärare Pasi Hario
För öppna YH studenter Nej
Nivå YH

Frågor relaterade till registreringspraxis
Anmälningstid 20.05.2024 - 24.11.2024

Tools for Self-management

01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024


The student is able to:

  • assess the significance of sleep, recovery, sports, nutrition and life rhythm to one’s capacity
  • create a plan for a personalized circadian rhythm
  • find suitable tools to maintain one’s concentration and activeness
  • recognise the mental patterns affecting one’s daily life and apply new ones to help reach one’s goals


  • The study unit is assessed as either a pass or a fail.
  • Go through the Canvas materials in order. Each content includes information on what you need to do in order to proceed.
  • Keep a learning diary. The study units includes 10 assignments in which you will be asked to note down a few observations of your experiences with practical experiments. You can make the entries as comprehensive as you want. You can also choose the most natural way for you to keep the learning diary. For example, you can write about your thoughts, draw them, make an audio recording or a video, or compile series of images of your thoughts. You will not submit the learning diary itself and your entries will not be assessed, but at the end of the three modules, you will be asked to participate in a discussion based on your entries.
  • Participate in discussions. The study unit requires participation in three discussions. In these discussions, you will share a few comments about your own experiences with the assignments. You can choose what to share and how widely you share your experiences. Your responses will not be separately assessed, and participation in the discussion will be considered a pass. Your discussion responses will be visible to the course coordinator/teacher and other course participants.
  • Submit your assignments. The study units includes two assignments in which you will either submit a file or answer a few questions. In you choose to submit a file, you can choose the format in which you will submit the assignment. Your assignments will not be assessed separately. A submitted file or answers to the questions will be considered a pass, depending on the assignment. The submissions you have made will be treated in confidence and they will only be viewed by the course coordinator/teachers.
  • Complete the multiple-choice tests. The study unit includes four short multiple-choice tests. For passing the assignment, you must answer at least half of the answers correctly (such as 4/8). You may take the test several times.
  • The submissions you make will be treated confidentially. The submissions will only be reviewed by the course coordinator/teachers, and they will be stored in the system for at least six months. On this course, teachers will not assess your submissions or give feedback on them, but a submitted assignment is already sufficient for a pass. However, teachers can perform spot checks on the submitted assignments, so please complete them carefully. The assignments are designed to support your learning, and you can make use of your work after the course.
  • All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed.

Arbetsformer och schemaläggning

The online activities in the study unit include:

  • Video greetings: Each module starts with a brief greeting that introduces the themes of the module and explains how you will benefit from completing it.
  • Exercises: The modules include various exercises designed to stimulate thinking about the theme and to help you learn in a variety of ways. This group includes various gamified tasks (such as memory games and quizzes) and bodily exercises (such as monitoring bodily sensations).
  • Examples: Most modules include images and associated stories to illustrate the theme of the module in a practical way.
  • Podcasts: Each module includes a few podcasts, which contain the information content of the module. The podcasts provide concise information and practical examples related to the theme of the module. The podcasts are always accompanied by a quick summary of their main content.
  • Multiple-choice tests: In each module, the podcasts are followed by a test related to their content that enables you to assess your learning.
  • Learning assignments: Each module has one or more learning assignments designed to make you think about the themes of the module in relation to you. In some of the learning assignments, you will be asked to make entries in your learning diary, and to share some ideas about what you have learned in the course forum at the end of the module. In some of the learning assignments, you will submit your reflections as a file, or answer a few questions.
  • Discussions: You will complete most of the learning assignments by adding entries to your learning diary. However, the modules are followed by discussions, and you are expected to share some thoughts about the assignments in the course forum.


This study unit is meant for bachelor degree students. Also master degree students can join the study unit to learn about the tools, but it is not suitable for the master studies.

HUOM! Opintojakso on sisällöltään sama kuin suomenkielinen Itsensä johtamisen työkalut. Jos olet jo suorittanut sen, et voi saada opintopisteitä tästä saman opinnon englanninkielisestä toteutuksesta.


  • Enrol through your university’s student’s desktop (Pakki/Peppi)
  • If your university hasn’t yet joined the cross-study service, enrol with the separate enrolment form.
  • More information at page Cross-institutional student arriving at Laurea from another university
  • Questions relating to enrolment always at The teachers respond only to questions related to the content of the course.